Monday, 26 February 2018


The vast majority stand to gain from a corbyn administration it's not the1970s IT'S A VERY DIFFERENT WORLD
one for which the old order is even less appropriate than it always was the middlethmiddleclass shop at socialist establishments every day when they go to waitrose w part of the john lewis as mutual gropup owned and run by it's empoyees spreading this model to other industies may not suit the few who benefit fromthe stgocks and shares from which the hedgefunds benefit mutuals benefit customers first the motivation to do a good job is not greed it's thed knowlegethat they are bringing success to their own business socialist certainly demonic certainly not the likes of terrys of york  worked and thrived through a vision of philanthropy andmutualism cadburys wfor instace built homes for it's work force, weitness th village of bournville pofrt sunlight nothe simila example of company and workforce being one not aone dimensional mon olithdesigned solely to benefita istant un interested share holder or group thereof the stock market has held the nsation to ransom for too long benefitting pension schemes yesbut th opensions chemes of mutuals when run properly are perfectly capabl of benefitting the members in the same way as external mutual societies for life assuranceand building savingssocialist principles at workbenefittingemployees and the businesses they own no threat at all to the super rich but benefitting the manythere is no reason whymany of the principes of mutual business should not be applied tgothe public transport nertwork, the water industry the Energy sector and elsewehere none of which penalyses the swealthy all of swhich benefits the many rebalances the economy to benefit so many more people thn the currntgSOCIALISM NO NEED TO FEAR IT